How To Be Assertive

​Congratulations. By reading this book you are taking a significant step towards a more enjoyable life. By following the guidelines you'll find here, you'll reap huge benefits. These include feeling confident about yourself, your actions and everyday life. That means not being wracked with guilt, worry and doubts. Stop for a minute and image your life without that emotional baggage. You’ll enjoy it so much more.
You'll also find you have increased self esteem. Simply by acting more assertively, even if it's just pretence at first, you'll be delighted with the response you get from others. That, in turn, will leave you feeling better about yourself.
Unassertive people rarely get full respect from others who are often frustrated by their behaviour. Being assertive enhances you in their eyes. Great for relationships and career prospects.
Unassertive people, especially those who are passive, often find their needs are overlooked. By behaving assertively, your needs will be met much more often. And without treading on anyone else.
What do readers think?
Wish I'd Bought This Years Ago!
"This is not the first book of this type that I've bought, but I wish it had been! Written in a non-patronising, warm and friendly style, this engaged me from page one, and I'm halfway through it after owning it for a day. I feel empowered and enjoyed the way the author offers no-nonsense, practical advice. Just a word to the wise-get a little notepad and a pen-you will find the little questions and answers fun as well as revealing!"